Page 5Table of Contents INTRODUCTION...................................................................................1-1 PC SOFTWARE HOTLINE SERVICES................................................2-1 CATERPILLAR CCM PC INSTALL PROBLEM TRACKING FORM ...............2-2 CATERPILLAR CCM PC COMMUNICATIONS T
Page 7Introduction About Caterpillar Customer Communication Module PC Section 1 All Caterpillar Customer Communication Module PC (Cat CCM PC) documentation is directed towards the user with some Microsoft Windows experience. If this does not describe you, please take some time to acquaint yourself with Wi
Page 9PC Software Hotline Services Caterpillar Inc. provides a well-trained technical support staff to assist you with any problems. If you need software support of Cat CCM PC and wish to contact the Caterpillar PC Software Hotline, please completely fill out the information from the Caterpillar CCM Secti
Page 10Caterpillar CCM PC Install Problem Tracking Form Name: _______________________ Dealership: _______________________ Telephone Number: _______________________ Computer type: _______________________ Operating System: _______________________ Memory: _______________________ Available Hard Drive Space: __
Page 11Caterpillar CCM PC Communications Tracking Form Name: _____________________ Dealership: _____________________ Section 2 Telephone Number: _____________________ Computer type: _____________________ Operating System: _____________________ Version of Cat CCM PC: _____________________ Product being moni
Page 13What You Need to Run Caterpillar CCM PC In order to successfully run Cat CCM PC, you will need the following items: computer hardware, communication hardware, cables, and software. Note: The minimum PC Configurations should not be used as a standard when buying new personal computers to run Cat CCM
Page 15Installing Caterpillar Customer Communication Module PC Purpose The installation procedure, described below, is for installing Cat CCM PC. The installation program is designed to run under Microsoft Windows. It requires one Cat CCM PC Install CD-ROM. This installation process will upgrade the existi
Page 16If the CD is in a CD-ROM drive other than “z,” substitute “z” with the appropriate drive letter. Step 5 Press “OK.” The “Setup is preparing…” status box displays. Illustration 4-2: “Setup is preparing…” status box When it is finished, the Welcome dialog box displays. Illustration 4-3: Welcome dialog
Page 17Section 4 Illustration 4-4: Software License Agreement dialog box Step 7 Read through the license agreement. Press the “Yes” pushbutton to accept the terms and conditions. The Choose Destination Location dialog box displays. Press “
Page 18To select a different path than the one shown in the Destination Folder area, press the “Browse…” pushbutton. The Choose Folder dialog box will display. In this dialog box, you can change the directory path by selecting the drive and folder where you want to install Cat CCM PC or by typing the compl
Page 19Section 4 Illustration 4-7: Copying program files progress bar Step 10 The setup process begins installing Cat CCM PC to the destination folder. The Cat CCM PC Setup screen will display with progress bars. Press “Cancel” to abort the setup install procedure. When the installation process is complete
Page 20Step 11 Press the “Finish” pushbutton to complete the setup process. The “
Page 21Cat CCM PC Group Box Section 5 Illustration 5-1: Cat CCM PC Group Box The following items are available in the group box: Cat CCM PC – The Cat CCM PC program Cat CCM PC Help – Complete online help for Cat CCM PC 5-1
Page 22Starting Caterpillar CCM PC Purpose You can connect to Cat CCM PC either by a Direct connection or by a Modem connection. Instructions Perform the following steps to start Cat CCM PC: Step 1 Select Caterpillar CCM PC for Windows from the Programs menu, and then select CCM PC for Windows from the sub
Page 23Section 5 Illustration 5-3: Cat CCM PC Connection message box If the CCM requires a login password, the Password Login dialog box displays. Illustration 5-4: Password Login dialog box Step 3 Enter the password in the Enter Password text box and Press “OK.” The Cat CCM PC Connection message box displ
Page 24WARNING! You must remember your CCM Security Level 3 password. If you forget your password, you must replace your CCM. Illustration 5-5: ECM Selector dialog box Note: The CCM ECM is not displayed in the ECM Selector box when you initially connect to Cat CCM PC. To display the ECM, select the Select
Page 25Caterpillar CCM PC Online Help Purpose The Help Contents function allows you to access the online help file for Cat CCM PC. This file gives valuable information about each feature and provides step-by-step instructions for all Cat CCM PC functions. Instructions There are three ways to access Help: •
Page 27Printing a Document Illustration 6-1: Print Document dialog box Purpose The Print Document dialog box allows you to send a report to a printer, print a report to the screen, or save a report to a file. The report includes the source of data, time and date of report generation, ECM connection, list o
Page 28To print a report to the screen: Step 1 Press the “Print” pushbutton. The Print Document dialog box displays. Step 2 Press the “Print Preview” radio button, and then press “OK.” The Print Preview screen displays. Illustration 6-3: Print Preview screen This screen gives you a sample of how the report
Page 29“One Page” pushbutton; press the “One Page pushbutton to view one page. Zoom In Magnifies the text. “Zoom In” is disabled when the text is fully magnified. Zoom Out Decreases the text size. “Zoom Out” is disabled when the text is at normal size. Close Exits print preview and returns to Cat CCM PC. S
Page 31File Drop-Down Menu Functions Illustration 7-1: File drop-down menu Purpose File drop-down menu functions allow you to setup a printer for copying reports or to exit from Cat CCM PC. Cat CCM PC does not support the “New,” “Open,” “Close,” or “File Management” functions of the File drop-down menu. Se
Page 32Print Setup Illustration 7-2: An example of a Print Setup dialog box Purpose The Print Setup function displays one of the standard Print Setup dialog boxes, which allows you to select or change the default printer. Changing the default printer in this dialog box affects the default printer for all o
Page 33Step 3 Press the radio button for the desired paper orientation. Portrait: height is greater than the width. Landscape: width is greater than the height. Step 4 Select the paper size to be used from the Size drop-down list. The drop-down list contains all the paper size choices for the selected prin
Page 34Exiting Caterpillar CCM PC Instructions To exit Cat CCM PC: Select Exit from the File menu, push the F9 key, or press the “Exit” pushbutton from the toolbar. You will exit Cat CCM PC. 7-4
Page 35Diagnostics Drop-Down Menu Functions Illustration 8-1: Diagnostic drop-down menu Overview The Diagnostics drop-down menu functions allow you to monitor active, logged, and CCM diagnostic codes, display active alarms and shutdown condition for current ECM, and provides a list of currently active dera
Page 36Active Diagnostic Codes Illustration 8-2: Active Diagnostic Codes screen Purpose The Active Diagnostic Codes function provides information to warn the vehicle operator of a potential problem and indicates to the service technician the nature of the problem. The codes that are diagnosed in this scree
Page 37Cat CCM PC displays up to four Status Flag indicators across the top of the screen. These flags are used to notify you of currently active conditions, such as Low Oil Pressure, Engine Overspeed, etc. When a warning condition exists, it is described in the appropriate flag indicator area. The name of
Page 38Logged Diagnostic Codes Illustration 8-3: Logged Diagnostic Codes screen Purpose The Logged Diagnostic Codes function provides a list of diagnostic codes logged by the ECM. These codes are similar to the active diagnostic codes except they are logged over time. Instructions To run the Logged Diagnos
Page 39informs you of the problem that is occurring. Occ. (occurrences) column informs you of the number of times that the problem occurred. The columns marked First and Last indicate the first and last ECM hour that the problem occurred. The list of codes is grouped according to the ECM that it is retriev
Page 40Clearing Logged Diagnostic Codes Illustration 8-4: “Are you sure…” message box Purpose The “Clear” pushbutton allows you to clear logged diagnostic codes from the list in the Logged Diagnostic Codes screen. Note: The “Clear” pushbutton is disabled at CCM Security Level 1. Instructions To clear a log
Page 41Events Overview Events allow you to view information tracked by the ECMs which is typically used for warranty verification information and for reviewing how the equipment has been operated. An example of an event tracked for an engine is Engine Overspeed. During normal operation of an engine, this e
Page 42Active Event Codes Illustration 8-5: Active Event Codes screen Purpose The Active Event Codes function provides information about events currently occurring. These codes are similar to the active diagnostic codes, except that the event represents the symptom of an operational problem. These codes in
Page 43events. The Description column informs you of the event that is occurring. Warning category indicator immediately follows the code number and is in parenthesis. It is a number ranging from 1 to 3, where 3 is the most severe, and it indicates the severity of the associated code number. The warning ca
Page 44Logged Events Codes Illustration 8-6: Logged Event Codes screen Purpose The Logged Event Codes function provides a list of event codes logged by the ECM. These codes are similar to the logged diagnostic codes, except that the event represents the symptom of the operational problem. These codes indic
Page 45Display Area The logged event codes are grouped according to the ECM that they are retrieved from. They appear in chronological order by the most recent ECM hour of last occurrence. The ECM names appear as subtitles in the list. If there is more than one ECM connected, the subtitles are arranged alp
Page 46Clearing Logged Event Codes Illustration 8-7: “Are you sure…” message box. Purpose The “Clear” pushbutton allows you to clear logged event codes from the Logged Event Codes screen. Instructions Perform the following steps to clear a logged event code: Step 1 Select one of the logged event codes from
Page 47CCM Diagnostic Codes Illustration 8-8: CCM Diagnostic Codes screen Purpose Section The CCM Diagnostic Codes function displays the current CCM diagnostic fault codes and allows you to clear them. 8 Instructions Perform the following steps to run the CCM Diagnostic Codes function: Note: If CCM is the
Page 48Illustration 8-9: ECM Selector dialog box Step 2 Select the CCM ECM and press “OK.” Press “Cancel” to exit the ECM Selector dialog box. Press “Help” to open online help for assistance. Step 3 Select CCM Diagnostic Codes from the Diagnostics menu. The CCM Diagnostic Codes screen displays. Screen Layo
Page 49Clearing the CCM Diagnostic Codes Illustration 8-10: “Are you sure…” message box Purpose The “Clear” pushbutton allows you to clear CCM diagnostic codes from the list in the CCM Diagnostic Codes screen. Instructions To clear a logged diagnostic code: Step 1 Select one of the logged diagnostic codes
Page 50Alarms Illustration 8-11: Alarms screen Purpose The Alarms function displays a list of alarms currently active on the ECM. The alarms are grouped by ECM name. Instructions To run the Alarms function: Select Alarms from the Diagnostics menu. The Alarms screen displays. Screen Layout The Alarms screen
Page 51The list of alarms is grouped according to the ECM that it is retrieved from. The ECM names appear as subtitles in the list. If there is more than one ECM connected, the subtitles are arranged alphabetically. Include All ECMs Check Box When the Include All ECMs check box is checked, alarms from all
Page 52Defining a Spare Input Illustration 8-12: Define Spare Input dialog box Purpose The Define Spare Input function allows you to define descriptions for the Electronic Modular Control Panel II (EMCP II). The description defined displays in the Alarms function when a spare input alarm is active. Spare I
Page 53Shutdowns Illustration 8-13: Shutdowns screen Purpose Section The Shutdowns function displays a list of shutdowns currently active on the ECM. The shutdowns are classified by ECM name. 8 Instructions To run the Shutdowns function: Select Shutdowns from the Diagnostics menu. The Shutdowns screen disp
Page 54The list of shutdowns is grouped according to the ECM that it is retrieved from. The ECM names appear as subtitles in the list. If there is more than one ECM connected, the subtitles are arranged alphabetically. Include All ECMs Check Box When the Include All ECMs check box is checked, shutdowns fro
Page 55Defining a Spare Input Illustration 8-14: Define Spare Input dialog box Purpose The Define Spare Input function allows you to define descriptions for the EMCP II. The description defined displays in the Shutdowns function when a spare input shutdown is active. Spare Input descriptions can be defined
Page 56Clearing a Shutdown Illustration 8-15: “Are you sure…” message box Purpose The “Clear” pushbutton allows you to clear shutdowns from the list in the Shutdowns screen. Instructions Perform the following steps to clear shutdowns: Step 1 Select one of the shutdowns from the list on the Shutdowns screen
Page 57Derates Illustration 8-16: Derates screen Purpose Section The Derates function displays a list of derates currently active on the ECM. Derates are grouped by ECM name. 8 Instructions To run the Derates function: Select Derates from the Diagnostics menu. The Derates screen displays. Screen Layout The
Page 58The list of derates is grouped according to the ECM that it is retrieved from. The ECM names appear as subtitles in the list. If there is more than one ECM connected, the subtitles are arranged alphabetically. Include All ECMs Check Box When the Include All ECMs check box is checked, derates from al
Page 59Information Drop-Down Menu Functions Illustration 9-1: Information drop-down menu Overview The Information drop-down menu functions allow you to receive information about the ECM. This includes specific ECM data and Cat CCM PC software information. It allows you to receive specific information about
Page 60Status Illustration 9-2: Status screen Purpose The Status tool monitors ECM data as it occurs. When running the Status tool for the first time, you must select a group of parameters to monitor. Instructions To run the Status function: Select Status from the Information menu, push the F2 key, or pres
Page 61Note: Using the ↑ and ↓ keys, you can consecutively view each group and its parameters in the Select Group dialog box. If a group is created, you can choose that group by selecting the first letter of its name. Step 2 Press “OK” to accept the selected group. The group data that you selected displays
Page 62•= Print Note: See “Printing a Document” section 6. 9-4
Page 63Selecting a Group Illustration 9-3: Select Group dialog box Purpose The “Groups…” pushbutton allows you to display the Select Group dialog box. This dialog box displays available default groups of parameters to monitor, and provides access for creating, changing, and deleting groups. This dialog box
Page 64Perform the following steps to create a new group (with one ECM): Step 1 Press the “Groups…” pushbutton on the Status screen. The Select Group dialog box displays. Step 2 Press the “New” pushbutton to create a new group. The Maintain Groups dialog box displays. Illustration 9-4: Maintain Groups dial
Page 65Illustration 9-5: Save Group dialog box Step 5 Enter the group name in the Enter Group Name text box. Step 6 Press “OK” if you want to save the new group name. You will return to the Select Group dialog box. Press “Cancel” if you want to leave the Save Group dialog box without assigning a name. You
Page 66Step 4 Select a parameter in the Available parameters list box and press the “Add>>” pushbutton. This moves parameters, one at a time, from the Available Parameters list box to the Group list box, (selecting a parameter in the Group list box and pressing the “<
Page 67not want to save the changes. You will return to the Select Group dialog box. Note: Press the “Save As” pushbutton if you decide to save the current group’s changes to another group name. Perform the following steps to delete a group: Step 1 Press the “Groups…” pushbutton. The Select Group dialog bo
Page 68Displaying More Purpose The “More” pushbutton is enabled when there are more then five parameters in a group and the “Zoom In” function is used. The “More” pushbutton toggles between two sets of parameters. For example, if there were seven parameters in a group and the “Zoom In” function was being u
Page 69Zoom In/Zoom Out Illustration 9-8: Status screen illustrating “Zoom In” Purpose The “Zoom In” pushbutton allows you to display values in larger text for increased visibility. The “Zoom Out” pushbutton allows you to return the parameter values to normal size text. A maximum of five Section parameters
Page 70Pausing the Display Purpose The “Hold” pushbutton allows you to freeze the display so you can view the status of the parameters at a specific moment. Instructions To pause the display: Step 1 Press the “Hold” pushbutton from the Status screen. Cat CCM PC immediately stops updating the Status tool. T
Page 71ECM Summary Illustration 9-9: ECM Summary screen Purpose The ECM Summary screen allows you to view all of the useful ECM and Cat CCM PC Software information. This screen is automatically displayed each time that you start Cat CCM PC or establish a new connection through the Connect function under th
Page 72Available ECMs List Box The Available ECMs list box displays the description of each ECM on the data link. The ECMs are listed alphabetically. The highlighted ECM is the one that is currently selected. You can only select one ECM at a time. Data Area The ECM summary data area is located in the cente
Page 73Data Logger Illustration 9-10: Data Logger screen Purpose The Data Logger function allows you to record real data of a selected group(s) of parameters from the ECM as it occurs. This data is saved as a comma separated value *.txt file that can be imported into other applications (For example Excel o
Page 74Status Area The Data Logger status area monitors the logged data and displays the time remaining for the current sample. The Time Remaining is calculated by Cat CCM PC based on the information you enter in Setup. Setup Area The Data Logger setup area allows you to select the sample rate, the total n
Page 75Step 6 Press “OK” if you are satisfied with the default drive. The Data Logger process begins. The samples and time remaining display in the status area. If a file exists with the same file name, a warning box displays asking if you want to replace the existing file. Press “Yes” to replace the exist
Page 76Selecting a File Illustration 9-11: Save As dialog box Purpose The Save As dialog box allows you to save Data Logger files on a drive other than the default drive. Instructions Perform the following steps to save a Data Logger file: Step 1 Select the file type from the “Save files of type:” drop- do
Page 77network connection. Press “Help” to open online help for assistance. You will return to the Save As dialog box. Note: The “Network…” pushbutton is only displayed if your PC is on a network. Step 7 Press “OK” once you have selected the desired file. Press “Cancel” to exit without saving the file. Pre
Page 79Control Drop-Down Menu Functions Illustration 10-1: Control screen Purpose The Control function allows you to view and change control parameters. Parameters can only be changed when the Engine Control Switch is in the Auto Mode. Instructions To run the Control function: Section 10 Select the Control
Page 80Display Area The Control display area has two columns: Description and Value. The Description column gives a brief description of the parameter. The Value column displays the status of the current parameters. Pushbuttons The following pushbuttons are available in the Control screen: •= Change •= Def
Page 81Changing the Parameter Values Illustration 10-2: Change Parameter Value dialog box Purpose The “Change” pushbutton allows you to change the selected parameter’s value. Instructions To change the selected parameter: Step 1 In the display area, select the parameter value you want to change and press t
Page 82Defining a Relay Output Illustration 10-3: Define Relay Output dialog box Purpose The Define Relay Output function allows you to define Relay Driver Modules (RDM), Spare Output, and Spare Relay descriptions for the EMCP II. The description defined displays in the Control function when a relay output
Page 83Phone Book Drop-Down Menu Functions Illustration 11-1: Phone Book dialog box Purpose The Phone Book tool displays defined connection sites from the current CCM, allowing you to manage multiple CCM connection sites. The sites can be connected to either Directly or by Modem. Note: This dialog box is a
Page 84Pushbuttons The following pushbuttons are available in the Control screen: •= Cancel •= Connect •= Add… •= Edit… •= Delete •= Detail>> Using Phone Book To add a new site to the phone book: Step 1 Press the “Add…” pushbutton on the Phone Book dialog box. The Add Site dialog box displays. Illustration
Page 85Step 4 Select the Bits Per Second (BPS) in the BPS drop-down list. The BPS rate needs to match the baud rate of the CCM in the Direct connection and the BPS needs to match the baud rate of the connected modem in the Modem connection. Step 5 Select the serial port in the Com Port drop-down list. Step
Page 86Illustration 11-3: Edit Site dialog box Step 3 Make the changes to the selected site. Press “OK” to accept the changes in the site. Press “Cancel” to exit the Edit Site dialog box without making changes. You will return to the Phone Book dialog box. Perform the following steps to delete a site: Step
Page 87Step 2 Press the “Detail>>” pushbutton. The Phone Book dialog box expands to display the settings of the selected site. To leave Phone Book at any time: Press “Cancel” to exit the Phone Book dialog box. You will return to the last active screen. To connect to Cat CCM PC: Select the desired site, and
Page 89Utilities Drop-Down Menu Functions Illustration 12-1: Utilities drop-down menu Overview The Utilities drop-down menu functions allow you to change the CCM’s security level and CCM configurations. It also allows you to select the phase for the EMCP II Genset Control. The following three functions are
Page 90CCM Security Level Illustration 12-2: Change Security Level dialog box Purpose The Change CCM Security Level function allows you to change the security level without exiting Cat CCM PC. The CCM has three security levels: WARNING! You must remember your CCM Security Level 3 password. If you forget yo
Page 91Step 2 Select the CCM ECM and press “OK.” Press “Cancel” to exit the ECM Selector dialog box. Press “Help” to open online help for assistance. Step 3 Select CCM Security Level from the Utilities menu. The Change Security Level dialog box displays. Step 4 Enter the password of the desired security le
Page 92CCM Configuration Illustration 12-4: CCM Configuration screen Purpose The CCM Configuration function allows you to view and change the ECM’s CCM configurable information. WARNING! You must remember your CCM Security Level 3 password. If you forget your password, you must replace your CCM. Instructio
Page 93Illustration 12-5: ECM Selector dialog box Step 2 Select the CCM ECM and press “OK.” Press “Cancel” to exit the ECM Selector dialog box. Press “Help” to open online help for assistance. Step 3 Select CCM Configuration from the Utilities menu. The CCM Configuration screen displays. Screen Layout The
Page 94Changing CCM Configuration Parameter Values Illustration 12-6: Change Parameter Value dialog box Purpose The “Change” pushbutton allows you to change the CCM configuration parameter values. This pushbutton is enabled when a parameter’s configuration can be changed. WARNING! You must remember your CC
Page 95Phase Selector Illustration 12-7: Phase Selector screen Purpose The Phase Selector function allows you to view and change the EMCP II Genset Control phase to monitor. Instructions To view the Phase Selector: Note: If Genset Control is the currently selected ECM, begin at Step 3. Step 1 Select the Se
Page 96Illustration 12-8: ECM Selector dialog box Step 2 Select the Genset Control ECM and press “OK.” Press “Cancel” to exit the ECM Selector dialog box. Press “Help” to open online help for assistance. Step 3 Select Phase Selector from the Utilities menu. The Phase Selector screen displays. Screen Layout
Page 97Changing the Phase of the Genset Control Illustration 12-9: Change Parameter Value dialog box Purpose The “Change” pushbutton allows you to change the phase of the Genset Control. Do not change the Phase while the Data Logger is running. Changing the Phase results in stopping the Data Logger. Instru
Page 98Press “Cancel” to exit the dialog box without saving the new value. You will return to the Phase screen. 12-10
Page 99Data Link Drop-Down Menu Functions Illustration 13-1: Data Link drop-down menu Overview The Data Link drop-down menu functions allow you to connect and disconnect from Cat CCM PC. When Cat CCM PC is connected, the Disconnect function is active. When Cat CCM PC is disconnected, the Connect function i
Page 100Selecting the ECM Illustration 13-2: ECM Selector dialog box Purpose The Select ECM menu function is only available when there is more than one ECM connected to Cat CCM PC. This function allows you to select the ECM that Cat CCM PC targets as the current ECM. Cat CCM PC’s menus and functionality is
Page 101Connecting Cat CCM PC Purpose The Connect function allows you to access a connection, from the Data Link menu, to initiate data link connection. This function is available when there is no data link currently active. When this function is selected, Cat CCM PC continues with the same data link connec
Page 102Disconnecting Cat CCM PC Purpose The Disconnect function allows you to remove the current data link connection between Cat CCM PC and the ECM, and returns you to the main menu. This function is available when a data link connection is currently active. All Cat CCM PC functionality, menus, and toolba
Page 103Settings Drop-Down Menu Functions/ Preferences Section 14 Illustration 14-1: Settings drop-down menu Purpose The Setting/Preferences function allows you to make changes to different setting options in Cat CCM PC. You can hide/display the Cat CCM PC toolbar, select communication ports, and change the
Page 104Step 2 Select the Show Tool Bar check box to display the pushbuttons on the Cat CCM PC toolbar. Step 3 To select the communication (COM) port that you are connected to, check the COM 1, COM 2, COM 3, or COM 4 radio button under the Ports section. The COM port radio button that you select must be the
Page 105Help Drop-Down Menu Functions Section 15 Illustration 15-1: Help drop-down menu Overview The Help drop-down menu functions allow you to access the online help file and information about Cat CCM PC. The functions available under the Help drop-down are the following: •= Contents •= Using Help •= About
Page 106Help Contents Purpose The Help Contents function allows you to access the online help file. This file gives valuable information about Cat CCM PC features and provides step-by-step procedures for all of the Cat CCM PC functions. Instructions To access the Help Contents: Select Contents from the Help
Page 107Using Help Purpose The Using Help function allows you to get information on using the online help. Section 15 Instructions To get assistance for the online help: Select Using Help from the Help menu. The Contents for How to Use Help window displays. 15-3
Page 108About Caterpillar CCM PC Illustration 15-2: About Cat CCM PC message box Purpose The About Cat CCM PC message box provides you with the following information: •= Program Name •= Version Number •= Serial Number •= Subscription •= Copyright Information Instructions To view the About Cat CCM PC message
Page 109Navigation Shortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts give you the power to maneuver through Caterpillar applications solely using the keyboard. The shortcuts include using Alt, Tab, Shift, Ctrl (Control), Enter, the space bar, multiple letters and arrow keys (separately and combined with each
Page 110Letters Not all pushbuttons have tab ability. If you enter a screen where the Tab key does not highlight a pushbutton, the underlined letter on the pushbutton can be pressed on the keyboard to perform that function. For example, the pushbuttons in the Status Screen do not have tab ability. Therefore
Page 111Index Active Diagnostic Codes, 8-2 Active Event Codes, 8-8 Alarms, 8-16 Cat Customer Communication Module PC Group Box, 5-1 Caterpillar Customer Communication Module PC About, 1-1, 15-4 Connecting, 13-3 Section Disconnect, 13-4 17 Exit, 7-4 Installing, 4-1 Online Help, 5-5 Starting, 5-2 CCM Configur
Page 112Group Box, 5-1 Help, 15-1 Contents, 15-2 How to Use, 15-3 Online, 5-5 PC Software Hotline Services, 2-1 Hotline, 2-1 Information, 9-1 Install Problem Tracking Form, 2-2 Installing Caterpillar Customer Communication Module PC, 4-1 Introduction, 1-1 Keyboard Shortcuts, 16-1 Logged Diagnostic Codes, 8-
Page 113Selecting a Group To Change a Group, 9-6 To Create a New Group/Multiple ECMs, 9-5 To Create a New Group/One ECM, 9-4 To Delete a Group, 9-7 To Select a Group, 9-4 Selecting the ECM, 13-2 Settings, 14-1 Shortcuts, 16-1 Shutdowns, 8-18 Software Hotline, 2-1 Spare Input, 8-17, 8-20 Section Starting Cat